Air Force Academy: Post-Graduation Assignments

We continue with part 3 in a 5-part series, revealing the post-graduation career options of Service Academies.
Next up is the Air Force Academy!
To discover the career assignments of USAFA grads, click below.
Many Academy applicants are initially drawn to a particular Academy’s history, location, or even uniforms. While you’ll want your Academy experience to be a “fit”, our experience is that applicants are often unaware of their career field options provided by each Academy.
This post is to serve you, the applicant, so you can heavily consider your post-graduation career options.
To discover the career assignments of USAFA grads, see below.
Pilot. 47% of the graduating class
Space Force. 13%
Remotely Piloted Aircraft. 5%
Development Engineer. 5%
Civil Engineer 4%
Scientific Analyst. 3%
Communications. 3%
Acquistions. 3%
Intelligence. 3%
Maintenance. 2%
Medical School. 3%
Contracting. 1.5%
Finance. 1.2%
Force Support. 1.1%
Logistics. 1.1%
Security Forces. 1.0%
Special Investigation. 0.8%
Missiles. 0.5%
Combat Control. 0.5%
Air Traffic Control. 0.5%
Combat Systems. 0.5%
Air Battle Manager. 0.3%
Disclaimer: These numbers can change from year to year. USAFA does not publish detailed career assignments like West Point or Naval Academy. Academy Endeavors used averages from previous classes between 2003-2021. Space assignments are uncharacteristically high due to the newly formed Space Force.
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