Build your resume, then get it all into the Candidate Activities Record (or, “Extracurricular Activities” section).

We mentioned last week that many applicants forget to include all their extracurricular activities.

Here’s a best practice to ensure you maximize your points on the extracurricular section.

Put all your activities and into a professional resume.

Open your resume on one window, and your application in the other. Starting with your most impactful leadership position on your resume, include each one in your Academy application.

Each time you include an extracurricular activity in your application, highlight it on your resume.

Do this methodically until every line of your resume is highlighted.

Some Academies limit the number of activities to 10, which is why you should start with the most impactful leadership positions first.

If you obtain a leadership position after you submit, no problem. Contact your regional admissions rep to get it added to your file.