Every part of your application is scored with a certain amount of points. The more points, the more competitive you are. Your GPA, SAT, essays, interview score, letters of recommendation, are all converted into a quantitative calculation.
Similarly, every extracurricular activity is worth points. Eagle Scout = x points. Class President = y points. Team Captain of varsity sport = z points. Boys State/Girls State delegate = ? points.
The key to maxing out your extracurricular number of points is to 1) get involved, 2) go get leadership positions, and 3) capture them in the Candidate Activities Record.
Believe it or not, applicants don’t include some activities because they 1) forget that they did it, 2) downplay the activity as not important enough, 3) or think its too late to add. All these reasons are leaving points on the table.
When you complete your Candidate Activities Record in your Academy applications, don’t sell yourself short. Every activity is worth points. Capture it all.
And if you obtained an extracurricular activity after submitting your application, contact your admissions rep to get it added to your file. It ain’t over till its over.