Academy Endeavors is 6 for 6 (100%) this year on successfully obtaining medical waivers for clients. Here’s what we’ve learned.
1. The only thing that matters is medical records. You can write personal statements until you are blue in the face, but a signature from an MD matters so much more. Get evaluated by the appropriate specialist with the highest credential, and ask for a written summary.
2. Read your records. We know your medical records are boring to read, but do it anyway. Read every word. If you want a waiver, you should be an expert in what your records say.
3. Ask for clarity. If something in your record is unclear, or worse, inaccurate, get clarification from the doctor. Clarity wins waivers.
4. Know what DODMERB standards say. Find your condition in DODMERB standards, and read every word. Use that knowledge to inform your doctor on what they need to clarify in the report.
5. Apply to multiple Academies/ROTCs. Waiver authorities don’t always see things the same way. We had a client who was denied a waiver by USMA, but granted one by USNA. If you put all your eggs in one waiver basket, your chances are much smaller.
DODMERB standards: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003v1p.pdf?ver=2020-09-04-120010-087