How To Approach Your Coach About Team Captain

Being team captain is highly attractive to Academies because it implies you have characteristics that Academies want: leadership, high character, physical ability, teamwork.
So, the question is, “how do I approach my coach to ask about team captain?”
Where Do I Start?
Step 1: Lay the groundwork by being “team captain-worthy” through your actions.
Work hard. Show up on time. Encourage your teammates. Set the example on and off the field. Be excellent. And do these things consistently over time. This will build trust for when you do ask your coach.
Step 2: Understand the estimated date of when the position will be named.
This date will dictate when to approach your coach. If it is a fall sport, do they typically name the captains in the late spring or summer? Know the timeline, so you can be ahead of the game.
Step 3: Write down beforehand what you will say.
Approaching your coach can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be if you know exactly what you want to say. Write down your “script” beforehand and memorize it, so you ensure the conversation is productive.
- First, state your goals – “Coach, I’m not sure if you know this, but my dream is to be a military officer and go to a Service Academy.” Have a conversation about the future with the coach. This is important because before you ask for a favor, they need to know why this is important to you. Your goals give them the why behind the ask.
- Second, state your intentions – “In order to be a better leader and prepare for a lifetime of service, I want to build my leadership skills now so I can serve my country as an officer later.”
- Third, transition to the here and now – “I want to make as big of an impact on our team as possible, and I wanted to ask: would you allow me the honor to serve as one of our team captains this year?”
Step 4: Schedule a day/time to meet with your coach
Now you are prepared. Go for it!!!! And let it come from your heart!