Merchant Marine Academy: Post-Graduation Assignments

We conclude with part 5 in a 5-part series, revealing the post-graduation career options of Service Academies.
Last up is the Merchant Marine Academy!
Below are the assignments of USMMA graduates, Class of 2020.
Many Academy applicants are initially drawn to a particular Academy’s history, location, or even uniforms, yet are often unaware of career options after graduation. Our advice is to weigh career options significantly to help determine which Academies to apply to.
Unlike other Service Academies, USMMA graduates do not have an active duty service commitment per se. Instead, they have the option of serving in the Merchant Marine (while in the Navy Reserves), or serving on active duty.
Below are the assignments of USMMA graduates, Class of 2020.
60% chose to serve in the Merchant Marine.
The other 40% chose to go Active Duty.
For the 125 grads that went into the Merchant Marine, they will serve as a Deck Officer or Engine Officer (engineer) aboard U.S. Flag vessels. Meanwhile, they will also serve in the Navy Reserves. For the other 83 grads that went into Active Duty, they chose a variety of branches (Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps).

Source: USMMA 2020 Commencement
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