The Academy Endeavors Candidate Fitness Assessment Guide: How To Pass (Or Max!) the CFA

Curious to know how to pass the CFA? Do you want to go above and beyond and max it? 100% of our clients have passed this test, but during our first consultation, many failed at first. We’re sharing what we’ve learned the last 4 years helping our clients pass (and max!) the CFA. Read on for “best practices” and the Academy Endeavors Workout Plan.
Best Practices
Basketball Throw
- Curl your wrist to maintain good grip
- Dig your toes in beneath your buttocks
- Throw with your hips, not just your arm
- Use a basketball with good grip
- Use a towel in between throws to keep ball dry (if outside)
- Watch Academy Endeavors Basketball Throw video.
- Watch Basketball Throw video by Stew Smith
Pullups/Flexed Arm Hang
- As your core strength improves, pull-ups will too.
- If you’re struggling to get 1 pullup, watch How To Get Your First Pullup by Stew Smith and Go from 0 to 10 Pull-ups (excuse indecent images).
- If you are female, you are authorized to do the flexed-arm hang instead of pullups. Max flexed arm hang is 40 seconds. NOTE: 1 pullup is more points than 40 seconds in flexed arm hang, so if you can do 1 pullup, opt for pullups instead.
- Buy a pullup bar for home – this one worked for previous clients.
- Watch Academy Endeavors Pullups video.
- Recommend Pullup Workout by Stew Smith
Shuttle Run
- Stay low in & out of turns
- Know your steps – don’t use too many steps, or overrun the line.
- Use good grip shoes
- Run on non-slip surface (track or gym floor). Do not run on grass unless you have cleats.
- Watch Academy Endeavors 40 Yard Shuttle Run video.
- Consistency is key. The best thing about push-ups is you can do them anywhere.
- Do the AE Workout below, and you’ll see big gains.
- Watch Academy Endeavors Pushups video.
- As an alternative, recommend Pushup Workout by Stew Smith
- Practice doing situps the way the CFA requires. Military sit-ups are different from crunches.
- Do the AE workout below with CFA sit-ups to strengthen your hip flexors.
- Watch Academy Endeavors Sit-ups video.
- Recommend Situp Workout by Stew Smith
1 Mile Run
- The key is to build your fast-twitch muscles through sprint intervals
- For the real tests and the mocks, grab 1-2 friends, and have them pace you. You will run faster if you run with people.
- Do 400m or 800m sprints with 1 min max rest in between.
- Do your mocks on a track.
- Watch Academy Endeavors 1-mile-run videos Part A, Part B, and Part C.
*Frequently, the biggest gains in the shortest amount of time are situps, pushups, and 1 mile run.
5 Steps | Justification |
1. Schedule CFA | Schedule your CFA (or during Bootcamp if you are a Pro/Bootcamp client) This is the most important step to success. You must create a sense of urgency. If you don’t schedule it, you enable procrastination. |
2. Perform Mock | Record the mock CFA scores. Discover your current performance for each exercise. |
3. Set Goals | Write down the goal for each exercise. Your goal should be at least the average, and ideally the max. |
4. Follow Workout Plan | Follow suggested workout plans to achieve the goal. |
5. Keep Score | Use your CFA tab to keep score of your mocks. Track your progress so it encourages you to stay consistent. |
Academy Endeavors Workout
Week A

Week B

Max and Average Scores