The Academy Endeavors SAT/ACT Maximizer

Your SAT/ACT score carries a lot of weight with the Academies. Academy Endeavors offers advice on some common questions we are asked, and common mistakes to avoid.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Waiting too long to get started.
- Giving up too soon.
- Not prioritizing it. Many worry about their grades too much, and the SAT/ACT not enough.
What score should I aim for?
The Academies’ mean SAT score is ~1350 and mean ACT score is ~31 superscore. Because Academies lump in recruited athletes’ scores, which bring down the mean, the published means are artificially low. We estimate the true mean, excluding recruited athletes, is more like 1400 and 32. We advise that our clients’ goal should be above 1400+ SAT and 32+ ACT superscore. Asking the Academy to admit you while you’re bringing down the true mean is not a good strategy.
What is a superscore?
A superscore is the combination of your best performance regardless of the test date. In other words, take your best Math and best Verbal during any given test, and combine those two scores into one overall score. Example, Johnny scored a 720M/600V (1320 composite) in March 2022, and then scored a 650M/720V (1370 composite) in June 2022. Johnny’s superscore would be 720M+720V = 1440, because it was his best performance in each subsection, regardless of the test date. The Academies allow this, and they score your SAT/ACT accordingly.
When should I start preparing?
The goal is to achieve a 1400+ SAT or 32+ ACT superscore by December of Junior year. So, with 3+ months of prep and a buffer to take the test multiple times, your targeted start date is March 1st of your sophomore year (see Figure A).

Why is the goal to achieve your best score by December of Junior year?
- Because that’s when Summer Seminar applications open, and they will ask what your SAT/ACT score is.
- Because the SAT/ACT takes a long break during January/February, so you would have to wait until spring, which brings you closer to Finals and AP exams.
- Because Junior year is your most important year academically. The further you get into 2nd semester, the more stressful it becomes to do SAT/ACT prep on top of AP exams and Final Exams. We’ve seen this all too often.
- Because Academy Endeavors’ Pro program starts 2nd semester of Junior year as well. If you knock out your SAT/ACT before then, it’s one less priority to juggle.
How many times should I expect to take it?
A minimum of 3. It usually takes about 3 tests on average to maximize your superscore.
NOTE: If clients are still below the mean by beginning of Senior year, then we expect they will take it in Aug, Oct, Nov, and Dec of Senior year to maximize their superscore, unless they have a direct conflict.
Where can I get free help?
Yes. For the SAT, Khan Academy has a SAT test dashboard with real SAT tests in collaboration with College Board. For the ACT, has real ACT practice tests as well.
Do you have a recommendation for a tutor?
Yes. We’ve known MindSpire for several years. They do virtual tutoring so it’s convenient for student’s schedules, and their tutors all scored in the 99th percentile. Our clients have had a great experience with them.