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USMA Essay #2 up next!
USMA Essay #2 question: Think of some things in the past that were difficult for you. Pick one and discuss what steps you took to address it. Include whether you turned to anyone, the role that person played, and what you learned about your character as a result of this challenge. (2500 character limit)
AE Guidance: First, ensure you choose a personal story that reveals resilience and/or character. You’re applying to the premier “leaders of character” laboratory, so character is paramount. Vulnerability can be powerful here.
Next, outline your answer in the framework S-T-A-R. Situation. Task. Action. Result. Sticking to this framework keeps the story concise yet powerful.
Lastly, weave in how another person helped along the way. The military is a team sport – no one gets through hard times alone.
Overall, you want the story to be interesting, and reveal characteristics about you that West Point is looking for.