If you bomb a military interview, you’re likely toast.

Most colleges don’t do interviews anymore. You turn in a few essays, letters of recommendation, fill out the Common App, and you’re done.

But if you want to get into an Academy, you MUST interview well.

How come?

Because USMA/USAFA/USNA interview all candidates. And almost all Congressional offices do as well.

In this process, you either learn to communicate your value confidently, or you don’t get in.

Here’s an example that mimics everyday Academy admissions life.

Applicant “Joe” applies to USAFA and USNA.

Over the course of a year, he does 2 liaison officer interviews (with his BGO and ALO).

Between his Congressman, and two Senators, that’s 3 more.

Tack on 2 more for AFROTC and NROTC.

= 7 total interviews. That’s a lot for a young person who’s never interviewed in his life.

Even more stressful when its with multiple military officers.