Lacking Leadership Roles On Your Resume?

You’ve written your resume, everything is down on one page of paper, and you can clearly see that you are lacking in leadership roles. If you are struggling to find leadership roles, why not add Founder/President by starting your own club? Here’s how to do just that!
How To Start Your Own Club
We’ve had a few clients start a Military Club at their school, and it’s allowed them to be Founder/President of a club, while making a huge difference in their community.
We’ve taken the idea, and packaged it into step-by-step instructions to make it easy to replicate.
Please highly consider this pre-packaged club idea that you could run with and make your own.
Where Do I Start?
Step 0: Obtain list of current school clubs.
Analyze the existing clubs, and create a club that meets a need that no other club already fulfills.
Step 1: Write Charter.
Your first step is to write your charter that clarifies the Club’s purpose. See Appendix below for example.
Step 2: Find a co-founder/Vice President.
A co-founder can share the workload, and provide access to an additional network of friends to help spread the word. If no one is interested, don’t let it slow you down, just proceed to step 3.
Step 3: Obtain Teacher Sponsor.
Approach teacher/coach/administrator on campus who you believe would garner support. Once approved, add it to the charter. Ask teacher if you can use his/her classroom for meetings (if applicable).
Step 4: Clarify time/frequency/location of meetings.
Make it conducive to you and your co-founder’s schedule, so you guys can be consistent. When decided, add to the Charter.
Step 5: Obtain official approval.
Gain approval from Club Committee/Administration by presenting the charter & teacher sponsor.
Charter Example
Club Name: Military Club
Teacher Sponsor: ____________________
Meeting Location: ____________________
Meeting Dates/Times/Frequency: ________
Purpose: To raise awareness about military careers, paths, benefits, and veterans’ stories.
- Raise awareness to various careers in military
- Branches: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard.
- MOS’s/AFSC’s of every branch
- Paths. Raise awareness of different paths to service.
- Enlist
- Get commissioned as officer
- Service Academy
- Benefits. Raise awareness of benefits to service.
- Education (ROTC Scholarships, Service Academies)
- Career training
- Healthcare benefits
- GI Bill tuition assistance
- VA home loan
- Veterans’ Stories. Host guest speakers to tell their story. Highlight case studies/stories of people in your circle.
- Teachers/Coaches
- Administration
- Others in community
- Family members
- Military Appreciation. Send letters/packages to military members to express appreciation for their service. Work with local military recruiters to disseminate letters/packages. Members receiving the gifts could also include local active duty service members living in community, alumni of HS, retirees, etc.