For decades, encounters with racism at Service Academies have been reported and testified to by alumni and researchers. Ranging from isolated instances to unjust systems, the Academies have a history of being difficult places for non-majority culture students.
While awareness and data show progress, the best way to bring about positive change is understand that which needs to be changed.
AP News recently published a piece highlighting testimonies of hardship and pride shared by Academy graduates of color. This article touches on the imbalance in the Academy pipeline, including Congressional nominations and JROTC recruiting, the difficult history intertwined with the inception of some Academies and Academy retention rates of minority students.
Search “AP racism academies” to read the article “’We just feel it’: Racism plagues US military academies.”
Source: https://apnews.com/article/business-race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-army-only-on-ap-2975ab7e8d4fde2f275179e088878fb0