Academy Endeavors provides guidance on every Service Academy essay question…
Last one! USMMA has only one essay question, but its a big one!
Prompt: “In 500 words minimum, you must submit a Biographical Sketch/Essay of at least 500 words. Be sure to include your Full Name at the top of the page. You must include your reasons for wishing to attend the Academy, a discussion of your curriculum preference, the development of your career interest as a result of your high school classes, hobbies and activities, including any sailing experience, seaman’s experience, and/or military experience. You must also state your understanding and willingness to accept the service obligation upon graduation. Applicants submitting essays that do not meet the 500 word minimum requirement, or fail to state their understanding and willingness to accept the service obligation will be disqualified.”
AE Guidance: USMMA is used to be being the backup option, so your goal should be to make your essay so specific to USMMA that they are convinced they are your top choice.
First, make your reasons specific to USMMA. Indoc, Sea Year, courseload and major interest, and post-graduation career interests are all valid reasons. Don’t just tell USMMA about USMMA; instead, tell why those experiences are interesting to you.
Second, make your reasons personal. Include if you visited USMMA, spoke with grads or current midshipmen, and what inspired you about those experiences.
Third, mention ways you want to get involved while at USMMA. Research midshipman clubs, majors, and ways you want to contribute to the Academy while there.
PS – Don’t forget to state clearly “I understand and am willing to accept the service obligation” in the essay.
PSS – Ensure its 500 words minimum!