The history and traditions of the Academies are unlike any other.
Here’s a few examples.
The Academies have produced 3 U.S. Presidents, tied with Harvard and Yale for the most. Whoa.
West Point produced 445 generals, just for the Civil War alone.
Of the 4-star Admirals, the Naval Academy produced 90% of them.
When you visit the Academies, you’ll understand.
It’s American history.
It is excellence.
That’s why there were roughly 40,000+ Academy applications. 40,000!
And yet only approx. 5,000 were offered appointments.
So how does this help YOU, the applicant?
Go visit, and it will fuel you to put every ounce of effort into your application.
Because you’ll need the motivation when the going gets tough. It’ll require all of you.