The AE Base Package! Signup Deadline: Aug 20th
Get your Academy, ROTC, and Congressional Nomination applications submitted professionally in 60 days or less–guaranteed!
Get the structure and accountability you need for on-time, professional applications. Each meeting will be guided by a professional Academy Endeavors coach and filled with 3-4 other applicants. No student wants show up unprepared; each applicant will be surrounded in a high-caliber cohort who bring out the best in each other.
With a pre-determined schedule, there is no more guesswork about meeting dates or deadlines. This is the perfect plan for busy families who love to follow a calendar. All Academy, ROTC, and Nomination applications will be submitted before in a high-quality manner before your deadlines–guaranteed.
Only 8 spots available! Registration Deadline: Aug 20th
Sign up today: