USMA Essays: How To Write Outstanding Essays To Get Into West Point

Ever stared at a blank screen not knowing what to write? Yeah, we have too. Its called “writer’s block”, and it’s a bear. At Academy Endeavors, we give you the blueprint for writing essays that win, so that you have the straightest path forward to compelling essays that connect with the admissions board.
We’ve coached hundreds of clients who are applying to West Point, and we have a 83% success rate.
USMA Essay #1:
Question: Explain why you want to attend the United States Military Academy and serve on active duty as an Army officer. (500 word limit)
Answer: First, start with when your desire first began. This will lay the helpful background upon which your desires are founded. Use concrete examples (such as attending SLE, visiting a Army base, etc.) to show that your desires are credible.
Next, state 1-2 reasons why you want to attend USMA, and mention specific USMA offerings (such as CBT, CFT, etc.) as supporting examples.
Lastly, state your career goals. Research Army officer MOS’s (Military Operational Specialty) and choose one or two that interest you. Then mention why it intrigues you. To tie loose ends, mention a USMA major that interests you (and perhaps will prepare you for that career).
Overall, you want an essay that is personal to you, specific to USMA, and passionate. Your career path should be coherent and your reasons for attending should be crystal clear.
USMA Essay #2:
Question: Think of some things in the past that were difficult for you. Pick one and discuss what steps you took to address it. Include whether you turned to anyone, the role that person played, and what you learned about your character as a result of this challenge. (500 word limit)
Answer: First, ensure you choose a personal story that reveals resilience and/or character. You’re applying to the premier “leaders of character” laboratory, so character is paramount. Vulnerability can be powerful here.
Next, outline your answer in the framework S-T-A-R. Situation. Task. Action. Result. Sticking to this framework keeps the story concise yet powerful.
Lastly, weave in how another person helped along the way. The military is a team sport – no one gets through hard times alone.
Overall, you want the story to be interesting, and reveal characteristics about you that West Point is looking for.
USMA Essay #3:
Question: West Point and the Army are committed to the idea that respect for others and an understanding of diversity are important leadership traits. Why will you be successful in working with leaders, peers, and subordinates of a gender, color, ethnicity, and/or religion different from your own? (500 word limit)
Answer: First, start by communicating your own personal definition of why diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect matters in today’s Army.
Next, share a personal story where you have embodied your own definition.
Lastly, conclude with how you will contribute to an environment of mutual respect and inclusion at West Point.
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